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De Lalande: Te Deum - Les Arts Florissants, William Christie

De Lalande: Te Deum - Les Arts Florissants, William Christie



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Les Arts Florissants

William Christie - Conductor

To the glory of God (and the King).
Called the "Latin Lully" (whose worthy successor he was for 43years under Louis XIV and Louis XV), Delalande took the "grand motet"practised at Versailles to the peak of its glory and its popularity.The Te Deum of 1684 is the epitome of his achievement in thegenre, and it was organised, composed, and performed with the carereserved for true masterpieces. The listener will be equally astonishedby the manner in which Delalande sets the words of Psalms 110 (111) and137, whose emotional impact goes far beyond the conventions of thegenre.

This title was released for the first time in 1991.

Te Deum

1Simphonie 1'03
2Te Deum laudamus 1'31
3Tibi omnes angeli 1'04
4Sanctus Dominus Deus Sabaoth 1'35
5Te gloriosus Apostolorum chorus 1'52
6Tu Rex gloriae, Christe0'49
7Tu ad liberandum 1'46
8Tu devicto mortis aculeo 1'00
9Te ergo quaesumus 1'14
10Aeterna fac 1'13
11Per singulos dies 2'05
12Dignare Domine 2'14
13In te Domine speravi 2'27
Super flumina Babilonis

14Simphonie. Super flumina 3'58
15In salicibus 2'35
16Quia illic interrogaverunt nos0'41
17Huymnum cantate nobis 2'32
18Si oblitus fuero tui 1'30
19Adhaerat lingua mea 2'44
20Memor esto, Domine 1'10
21Filia Babilonis misera (soli) 1'19
22Filia Babilonis misera (choeur) 1'19
Confitebor tibi, Domine

23Simphonie. Confitebor 2'07
24Magna opera Domini 2'23
25Confessio et magnificentia 2'45
26Memoriam fecit mirabilium 2'03
27Memor erit in saeculum 5'14
28Fidelia omnia mandata ejus 1'33
29Redemptionem misit populo suo 2'36
30Sanctum et terribile 1'40
31Intellectus bonus 2'42
32Gloria 2'58

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