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Desires: A Song Of Songs Collection - Ora Singers

Desires: A Song Of Songs Collection - Ora Singers



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ORA Singers - Suzy Digby

Suzy Digby - Conductor

The wealth of compositions using the sensuous and highly charged texts of the Song of Songs is incredibly vast and rich. In the course of compiling this recording I re-discovered music that I have known for years, was introduced to pieces I didn’t know existed, and was privileged to commission a couple of works to add to this wonderful legacy of compositional material. Taken as a whole, the collection of pieces gathered here presents a varied and enlightening journey through the book of Song of Songs, and through the musical language of different centuries. I hope that both those that are well known and those that are new discoveries will encourage listeners to delve further into this miraculous repertoire.

Sicut Lilium Inter Spinas 2:19
Ego Flos Campi 4:36
I Am the Rose of Sharon 6:00
Hortus Conclusus 5:09
Tota Pulchra Es (Plainchant) 2:03
Tota Pulchra Es 6:50
Dilectus Meus Mihi 7:24
Quam Pulchra Es 5:17
Vadam Et Circuibo Civitatem 8:18
Vadam Et Circuibo Civitatem (2017) 8:52
Veni, Dilecte Mi 4:43
Duo Ubera Tua 3:41
Surge Propera Amica Mea 3:14
Sicut Lilium 2:50

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